The rate of schools drop and illiteracy rate out in slums and arid areas is very high as compare to other parts of the country. This may be attributed to the high level of poverty, educational material in possession, conflicts among other factors. More efforts need to be exerted in fostering quality education that will help in reducing the illiteracy level in these areas. Furthermore, the enrolment rate should be funded and supported so as to ensure minimal number of out of school children in these areas of focus.

Progress is being made with other organization in major cities however there is minimal achievements in slums and arid areas due to: security concerns, fear of the locations and lack of framework within slums.

Our organization works hard in ensuring low rate of school drop-outs in these areas. We are also seeking to achieve quality education so as to reduce the illiteracy rate within Kenya. We also aim to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, to eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to a quality higher education by 2030.