Kenya has reached many democratic milestones in the past decade, including:

  1. * Creation of new Constitution in 2010, which was developed through an inclusive reform process
  2. * Creation of 47 county governments for a more decentralized governance structure
  3. * Drafting and implementation of county-level Countering violent extremism action plans.
  4. * Community members, religious leaders, security officials, and government representatives are being included in the creation and implementation of these plans 

We partner with various donors, CSOs ministries, Parliament, and other national institutions to strengthen national policies.  We also collaborate with the government to advance the devolution process.  Devolution is a long and challenging process.  If done right, devolution will make our national governance more inclusive, transparent, and accountable.


           1.0 Fighting against corruption

Corruption represents a challenge that undermines the economic and social fabric of communities and affects ordinary citizens. In partnership with other entities within the government, we have a key role to play in fighting corruption, from monitoring public services, denouncing bribery and raising awareness, to contributing to the implementation of international anti-corruption instruments within Kenya.

          0.2 Devolution and Support to County Governments

We advocate for total transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness within both private and public institutions.  We work with county executives, legislators, and citizens on a broad range of programs.  Work includes training, on-the-job mentoring, experiential learning, and support for framework development.  We also support enhanced communication between the national and county governments.

         0.3Supporting Free and Fair Elections

To support transparent and peaceful elections, in support from our donors we provide training and expert assistance.  Support also focuses on reducing elections-related conflict.  This work will continue in preparation for the 2022 elections.

        0.4 Empowering Civil Society

Our support for civil society leads to constructive citizen engagement.  With our partners, Aga Khan Foundation, local communities and philanthropic institutions are empowered.  One area of strategic focus is regions and people that are often marginalization. 

        0.5 Countering Violent Extremism

Attacks by violent extremist groups within Kenya’s borders have increased in recent years.  Kenyan citizens, particularly marginalized youth, are recruitment targets for violent extremist groups.  We work to stop violence and radicalization of the local youth through engaging them in various projects that will add value to their life.