Child protection is an important aspect in every part of the world for their safety, survival and development. It is a common aspect that you will witness cases of child abuse, exploitation, child labour, violence against children and the worst being rape crimes against children.

Each and every day, children are forced to farm work at rural areas, street vending, prostitution and sex exploitation among other mistreatment that amount to serious violation of their basic rights.

Our organization works in safeguarding their rights through provision of their to education, health, nutrition, and leisure time. We also work in senstitizing communities in child protection programs so as to make the big players in supporting and protecting the right of the vulnerable children in the slums as well as the arid rural areas.

We are working with our well-wishers and donors in improving child protection in the following areas1) Child participation 2) Free from Violence 3) Counseling Program 4) Child Education 5) Child health and Nutrition