All posts by Ibrahim.

Ibrahim Rashid is a strategic manager by profession and a Human Rights Activist. He has an interest in International Human Rights Law and Constitutional Law. He worked for Rights Organization for Advocacy and Development Organization as their Finance Manager. He has since worked for other local organizations within the slums of Nairobi as well as other human rights groups in Kenya.

Empowering Lives: Bringing Clean Water to a home in Korogocho

Empowering Lives: Bringing Clean Water to a home in Korogocho

In the heart of Nairobi, Kenya, lies the Korogocho Slums, a densely populated settlement that has long suffered from the absence of basic necessities. Among these necessities, access to clean water stands as one of…
Nourishing Hope: How We Supported Malnourished Children in Wajir

Nourishing Hope: How We Supported Malnourished Children in Wajir

In the heart of Kenya’s arid region lies Wajir, a place where hope seemed to be fading away due to the persistent scourge of malnutrition. However, amidst the challenges, a glimmer of hope emerged as…
Combating Cholera through Clean Water Access in Mathare and Other Slums

Combating Cholera through Clean Water Access in Mathare and Other Slums

Cholera, a deadly waterborne disease, has been a persistent threat to the residents of this impoverished community. However, through the provision of clean water access points, we are witnessing an incredible transformation in the fight…
Our contribution towards SDGs at the Grassroot level in Kenya

Our contribution towards SDGs at the Grassroot level in Kenya

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the grassroots level in Kenya can have a significant impact on local communities and support broader national and global sustainability efforts. Here are some ways individuals and…
Empowering Girls in Kenyan Slums: Combating Early Pregnancy and Child Marriage

Empowering Girls in Kenyan Slums: Combating Early Pregnancy and Child Marriage

In the heart of Kenya’s bustling cities lie the sprawling slums, where poverty and inequality cast a long shadow over the lives of its residents. Among the most vulnerable are young girls, who face the…
Rampant and Common: Gender-Based Violence within Slums

Rampant and Common: Gender-Based Violence within Slums

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive issue that affects people around the world, regardless of age, gender, or socio-economic status. Unfortunately, those living in slums are particularly vulnerable to this form of violence. Slum populations…
Tackling poverty within Rural and Urban slums

Tackling poverty within Rural and Urban slums

Poverty is an alarming issue across the world, and it is especially prevalent in rural and urban slums. Slums are often overcrowded, underdeveloped, and lack access to basic necessities like clean water and sanitation. As…
Tana River Peace and Conflict Prevention Project

Tana River Peace and Conflict Prevention Project

For long, there has been a series of conflict within the Tana River county in regards to sharing of resources by the communities which has necessitated the need for conflict resolution. Project by clergy to…
Abusive counter-terrorism operations in Kenya

Abusive counter-terrorism operations in Kenya

Kenya, like many other countries around the world, is facing terror attacks in and around its boarders. As far as leading a campaign against war on terrorism in fighting the Al shabaab in the horn…
Youth representative to support BBI report

Youth representative to support BBI report

Youth representatives drawn from various parts of the country have said they will endorse the yet to be released Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report on condition that it addresses and entrenches issues touching on them.…
Swam of Locust invasion threatens food security

Swam of Locust invasion threatens food security

The UN has warned of a “significant and extremely dangerous” escalation in the number of desert locusts descending on Kenya, as the government strives to contain the threat before it reaches the country’s food-producing regions.…
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure…