Clean water, basic toilets and good hygiene practices are the most essential element for survival for the residents in major slums as well as those in arid-rural areas. Unfortunately, about 70% of the slums residents lack most of these 3 most basic elements for survival and healthy development.

For several years, there has been a consistent pattern of water and sanitation related diseases which have led to several deaths of the slum dwellers with the most common one being cholera. Without establishing these 3 most basic needs, the lives of the young and old will be at stake and deaths will be reported each and every year.

Our Organization works in providing and improving water and sanitation services across most of the biggest slums and arid-rural areas with similar problems.

We are working with our noble donors in providing clean water, basic toilets and good hygiene practices that will help in establishing a strong and healthy society for the benefit of the future generations.1)CLEAN WATER, 2) BASIC TOILETS 3) SANITATION AND GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES